
10586 Sherburne Drive, Shirley BC V9Z1G8
Phone 250 361 5315 (text or call)
Email  amystrmt@gmail.com

Is there any coverage to help me pay for treatments? 
Massage Therapy is usually covered by extended health care, there may be a cap (only a certain amount you can claim per year), and the coverage is usually a certain percentage of fee. Please contact your service provider for information on your coverage.

MSP can also be claimed for Massage Therapy. You would pay for the massage and then mail in a form for rebate.

Most Veterans receive up to 15 visits  a year with a cap of $120 per treatment toward Massage Therapy. Requests can be made for more treatments, or for coverage on increased hourly price due to need for mobile Massage Therapy by therapist. Please call Veterans Affairs with your K# to check what coverage you may have. The therapist bills Veterans Affairs so you do not have to pay for your visit within allowed coverage.

If you are involved in an accident ICBC has recently changed policy and you would be able to receive some treatments immediately without approval, and continued treatments with approval. ICBC pays under the normal amount for RMT fees so your treatments would be limited to 45 minutes a session or you can opt to pay the difference of $30 for a one hour treatment. 

Do I need a doctors referral?
Generally no referral is needed. A doctor's referral is required if a client is severely ill, has contraindications to Massage Therapy. Please feel free to call if you have questions regarding contraindications, or doctors referrals.

Some insurance providers may want a doctor's note for Massage Therapy treatments, please check with your extended health care provider. 
If you have a claim through WCB please check in with your case worker regarding doctors notes and approved treatments. Veterans will need a doctors note.

Do you bring supplies with you when you treat on site?
Yes! The only things you may need are pillows and a blanket. 
For kids/adults with cognitive and physical injuries/limitations I can work on a mat or in a wheelchair or bed.

Will you come to the hospital long term care facility?
Yes. I have treated many clients at long term health facilities, including people with dementia and also palliative clients. I have worked with kids and adults with developmental and accidental brain injury. As well as kids with neurological challenges.
This service is limited to Shirley and surrounding areas.


Do you treat people in wheelchairs or hospital beds? Yes

If I am coming to your location where do I park?
You can park anywhere. Please be slow going up drive as there is wildlife including my well behaved dog. Thanks.